Артикул Производитель Серия Тип Особенности Интерфейс Жизненный цикл
Жизненный цикл
2438657 200-503 CH Products Flightstick Pro Joystick 3 Axes, 12 Buttons, 80 Programmable Functions USB Active
2438658 100350 Apem Inc. RS Joystick Camera Controller, 3 Axes, 6 Buttons, Hall Effect USB Active
2438659 100450 Apem Inc. IP Launch Joystick Camera Controller, 3 Axes, 10 Buttons, Hall Resistive USB Active
2438660 100550BLKRF Apem Inc. IP Desktop Joystick Camera Controller, 3 Axes, 10 Buttons, Hall Resistive USB Active
2438661 100550GRYRF Apem Inc. IP Desktop Joystick Camera Controller, 3 Axes, 10 Buttons, Hall Resistive USB Active
2438662 100600 Apem Inc. VM Desktop Joystick - USB Active
2438663 300-111 CH Products - Pedals 3 Axes, Gas and Brake Control USB Active
2438664 300-122 CH Products - Throttle 3 Axes, 24 Buttons, 176 Programmable Functions USB Active
2438665 200-571 CH Products Fighterstick Pro Joystick 3 Axes, 24 Buttons, 176 Programmable Functions USB Active
2438666 200-615 CH Products - Yoke Control Column 5 Axes, 20 Buttons, 144 Programmable Functions USB Active
2438667 PC3566 Apem Inc. PC Controller 2 Axes, Pushbutton, Coiled Cable USB Active
2438668 200-616 CH Products - Yoke Control Column 6 Axes, POV and Flipper Switches, LED Selector Dial USB Active
2438669 100650 Apem Inc. IP Ultima Joystick Camera Controller, 3 Axes, 12 Buttons, Hall Effect USB Active
2438670 200-568 CH Products Combatstick 568 Joystick 3 Axes, 18 Buttons, 128 Programmable Functions USB Active
2438671 300-133 CH Products - Throttle Quadrant 6 Axes, 12 Buttons, 176 Programmable Functions USB Active
2438672 PC2430 Apem Inc. PC Controller 2 Axes, Pushbutton with LED USB Active
2438673 PC2441 Apem Inc. PC Controller 2 Axes, Pushbutton USB Active
2438674 100590 Apem Inc. VM Desktop Joystick - USB Active
2438675 400-602 CH Products - Multi Function Panel Programmable Keyboard, Wireless and Repositionable Switches USB Obsolete
26738148 M20U9TDZRF-N3 CTI Electronics - Controller - USB Active
26738149 M20U6T-N3W CTI Electronics - Controller Pushbutton USB Active

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