Артикул Производитель Серия Тип Области применения Редакция Длина лицензии Сведения о пользователе лицензии Операционная система Совместимые альтернативные позиции Ти доставки мультимедия Жизненный цикл
Жизненный цикл
6591497 EF-VIVADO-HLS-FL Xilinx Inc. Vivado™ DesignSuite Integrated Software Environment(ISE) Programming Design - Floating Node Linux, Windows Xilinx FPGAs Electronically Delivered
6591518 RTCRH8500CL01WDR Renesas Electronics America CubeSuite Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming - - - - Renesas MCUs -
6591521 CWA-LS-DVLPR-FL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Developer 1 Year Floating Node Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591522 CWA-LS-DVLPR-NL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Developer 1 Year Floating Node Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591523 CWA-LS-DVLPR-R FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Developer 1 Year Renewal - Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591524 DL-BDEV-10002-1A CSR PLC Bluelab License - - - - - CSR Products -
6591700 CWA-LS-SPLST-FL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Specialist 1 Year Floating Node Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591701 CWA-LS-SPLST-NL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Specialist 1 Year Floating Node Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591702 CWA-LS-SPLST-R FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Specialist 1 Year Renewal - Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591710 GTM-CFG-TOOL-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Timing Configuration Tool Programming - - Fixed Node Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows8 - -
6591711 DLD-GTM-CFG-TOOL FreescaleSemiconductor - Timing Configuration Tool Programming - - Fixed Node Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows8 - Electronically Delivered
6591716 CWX-OSK-D1K-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual 1000 Units - - -
6591749 LS1024A-SW-ASK FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Design Software - - - - Linux LS1024A -
6591750 LS102MA-SW-ASK FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Design Software - - - - Linux LS102MA -
6591751 CWP-OSEK-FL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual Floating Node - - Electronically Delivered
6591752 CWP-OSEK-NL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual Fixed Node - - Electronically Delivered
6591805 CWT-OSK-PROJB-LX FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Tech Support Programming - 1 Year - - OSEK -
6591806 CWX-OSK-D10K-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual 10k Units - - -
6591822 CWX-OSK-TRAIN-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS with Services Programming - - - - - -
6591823 CWP-MCTB-564XL-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - MPC564xL -
6591824 CWP-MCTB-567XK-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - MPC567xK -
6591825 DLD-MCTB-PXS20-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - Manufacturer SpecificProducts Electronically Delivered
6591826 CWP-MCTB-574XP-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - Manufacturer SpecificProducts -
6591827 DLD-MCTB-564XL-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - Manufacturer SpecificProducts Electronically Delivered
6591828 DLD-MCTB-567XK-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - Manufacturer SpecificProducts Electronically Delivered
6591829 DLD-MCTB-574XP-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - Manufacturer SpecificProducts Electronically Delivered
6591830 DLD-MCTB-PXS30-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - Manufacturer SpecificProducts Electronically Delivered
6591848 CWA-LS-ARCHT-FL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Architect 1 Year Floating Node Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591849 CWA-LS-ARCHT-NL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Architect 1 Year Floating Node Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591850 CWA-LS-ARCHT-R FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Programming Architect 1 Year Renewal - Linux, Windows Code Warrior™Software -
6591853 CWP-MCTB-S12ZV-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - - -
6591854 DLD-MCTB-S12ZV-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6591855 C-MCTB-MC56F82-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - MC56F82xx -
6591856 CP-MCTB-MKV10Z-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - MKV10Z -
6591857 DL-MCTB-MKV10Z-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - MKV10Z -
6591858 D-MCTB-MC56F82-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - MC56F82xx -
6591859 CWP-MCTB-MKVXX-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - - -
6591860 DLD-MCTB-MKVXX-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6591863 CWX-OSK-D100K-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual 100k Units - - -
6591932 CWP-ARCHIVAL-NL FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - Developer Perpetual Fixed Node - Code Warrior™Software -
6591939 LS1024A-SWSP-BAS FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - Basic 1 Year 1 User Linux LS1024A -
6591940 LS102MA-SWSP-BAS FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - Basic 1 Year 1 User Linux LS102MA -
6591941 CWT-OSK-COREB-LX FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ Tech Support Programming - 1 Year - - - -
6591943 CWX-OSK-D200K-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual 200k Units - - -
6591961 ZLS30224 Microsemi Consumer Medical ProductGroup - IMA-CORE Programming - - - - Microsemi Devices Electronically Delivered
6591962 LS1024A-SWSP-PLS FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - Plus 1 Year 3 User Linux LS1024A -
6591963 LS102MA-SWSP-PLS FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - Plus 1 Year 3 User Linux LS102MA -
6591964 CWX-OSK-D500K-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual 500k Units - - -
6591973 CWS-OSK-PROJB-LX FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ RTOS Programming - - - - OSEK -
6591974 SDK-SUPPORT FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - - 1 Year - Linux QorIQ™ -
6591977 RDS-SUPPORT FreescaleSemiconductor - Tech Support (ReferenceDesign) Programming - 1 Year - - - -
6591978 CWX-OSK-D2MIL-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS Programming - Perpetual 2M Units - - -
6591980 LS1024A-SWSP-PRM FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - Premium 1 Year 10 User Linux LS1024A -
6591981 LS102MA-SWSP-PRM FreescaleSemiconductor QorIQ™ Tech Support - Premium 1 Year 10 User Linux LS102MA -
6591983 CWX-OSK-CONSL-OO FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™ RTOS with Services Programming - - - - - -
6591984 CWX-OSK-UNLTD-DL FreescaleSemiconductor CodeWarrior™,OSEK/VDX™ RTOS with Services Programming - - - - - -
6591985 UL-PART-30 Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6591986 UL-PART-150 Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6591990 UL-LITE Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6591991 UL-YEARLYSUB Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6592149 CWP-MCTB-PXS20-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - PXS20xx -
6592150 CWP-MCTB-PXS30-N FreescaleSemiconductor - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Motor Control - - - - PXS30xx -
6592151 RAPPID-PXR40SW FreescaleSemiconductor RAppID Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - MPC5xx -
6592152 RAPPID-PXS20SW FreescaleSemiconductor RAppID Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - MPC5xx -
6592153 RAPPID-PXS30SW FreescaleSemiconductor RAppID Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - MPC5xx -
6592201 UL-SE Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6592207 UL-BRONZE Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6592212 UL-BRONZE-PLUS Accelerated-Designs Inc. - License - - - - - - Electronically Delivered
6592295 ATDM2100HP Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592296 ATDM2100PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592297 ATDM2100SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592298 ATDM2101PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592299 ATDM2110PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592300 ATDM2110PCI Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592301 ATDM2120PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592302 ATDM2120PCI Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592303 ATDM2120SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - Atmel FPGA's -
6592304 ATDM2140HP Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592305 ATDM2140PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592306 ATDM2140SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592307 ATDM2150HP Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592308 ATDM2150SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592309 ATDM2160HP Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592310 ATDM2160SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592311 ATDM2170HP Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592312 ATDM2170SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592313 ATDM2180HP Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592314 ATDM2180PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592315 ATDM2180SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - AT6000 FPGA DevelopmentSystem -
6592316 ATDS1140PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592317 ATDS2100SNU Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592318 ATDS2101PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592319 ATDS2110PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592320 ATDS2110PCI Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592321 ATDS2110SNU Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592322 ATDS2120PC Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592323 ATDS2120PCI Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592324 ATDS2120SN Atmel - Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) - - - - - ATF15xx-DK2 -
6592328 FDI40KIT 838362 Intel - - - - - - - - -
6592330 ICCVR7 AVR STD Imagecraft Creations Inc. - Compiler Programming Standard - - - Atmel AVRs, MegaAVRs -

© ООО «ОПТОЧИП», 2017-2025. Политика конфиденциальности. 125430, РФ, Москва, ул. Митинская, д.16